
Saturday, July 26, 2003

In addition to working to finish the Constitution of Amagi, I have been thinking of ways for new county projects to work together.

This idea is one of the results of that thinking.

A Convention for the Gaining of Territorial Sovereignty by Currently Non Territorial States and for the Stabilization of the Exchange Rates of their Currencies

_________, ________________, ________________, and ________________

Believing that an increase in the number of territorial states will allow for a greater variety of political arrangements to be tried and thus increase the freedom of the individual;

Mindful of their objective of achieving territorial sovereignty for their states;

Convinced that this objective maybe more quickly achieved by working together;

Understanding that the prosperity and strength of a nation depends on a stable monetary system;

Determined to conclude a treaty to affect these purposes;

Have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:


who, having communicated to one another their full powers found to be in good and due form have agreed upon the following:

1) The high contracting parties extend diplomatic recognition to one another.

2) They covenant with one another that when one of the high contracting states should gain territorial sovereignty over an area one square kilometer or greater it shall sell to each of the other state parties to this treaty territory for an embassy. The territory sold shall be at least 20 by 20 meters in extent. The purchasing state shall pay the selling state its full cost of acquiring the territory sold.

3) The state parties to this treaty hereby establish the metal silver (atomic symbol Ag, atomic number 47) as the means of making payments between one another. They here by contract that all money issued by them shall be made from or redeemable in silver, gold (atomic symbol Au, atomic number 79), or copper (atomic symbol Cu, atomic number 29).

4) The present treaty shall be ratified by the high contracting parties named in the preamble in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements, and shall take effect as between them as soon as all their several instruments of ratification shall have been deposited with ______________.

IN FAITH WHEREOF the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this treaty and hereunto affix their seals.

DONE at the city of _____, the _________ day of _______ in the year _________.

Thursday, July 17, 2003


While this is strictly speaking off topic. I want to encourage my readers to look into supporting Dr. Ron Paul, R-14th Texas, for president. Representative Paul is known as Dr. No on capital hill because he votes against the many bills that legislate on maters out side the federal government’s constitutionally limited area of responsibility.

While Ron Paul is by no means perfect, he by far the best member of congress. With a number of serious problems facing our country including war and the economic situation, we need to have the best and most trustworthy person as chief magistrate of the Republic. Ron Paul fits the bill.

Thursday, July 10, 2003


The Constitution of Amagi as curently writen alows for the death penalty in so far as Sec. 1 of the bill of rights provides that,

“No person shall be deprived of their life without due process of law upon a charge of treason, premeditated murder, or murder in the commission of a crime.”

Thus a person could be put to death for treason or murder as long as there was due process of law.

My view is that just as a person who deprives someone of their liberty or property losses their own right to liberty and property and can’t complain when they are fined or imprisoned, a person who murders another is deprived of his right to life.

I believe that execution in such cases is just. However I think that capital punishment should probably be restricted to cases of where the defendant has been convicted by two different juries of two different murders.

Treason, is a question I will leave to a later time because it is such a controversial topic among libertarians, but suffice it to say I do believe in capital punishment for treason.

I hope to receive some comments on this topic.

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